Ryuji Nakamura and Associates





This is the exhibition at the paper show by paper company "Takeo". Based on the theme of "SUBTLE" the exhibitors must create the paper object in the very thin space of 1500 x 500 x 12 mm given. I designed the small structure made of many rings which are continuous while touching by point each other. The ring is made by hollowing out the paper whose front and back are colored in different colors. For unstable material of paper the diameter of the ring is as small as 12 mm, so it is difficult to make an exact shape as designed, but I make as accurate as possible while devising cutting and fixing methods. By the way, one of the interesting characteristics of paper is that we can make a shape roughly. It is about halfway hardness between hard thing like stones and soft thing like cloth and it is possible to create a stereoscopic shape quite freely without requiring very strict detail. Objects of paper have a unique atmosphere because paper allow ambiguous details unique to paper. If it is, what kind of atmosphere will the paper object have if we controll the detail as strictly as possible? Does atmosphere of paper disappear? Or will it never disappear? If it disappears, what is the feeling that emerges newly there? This is the experiment to know what kind of scenery appear if we controll the paper thoroughly.

Title  Control
Completion  25 May 2014
Use  Installation
Site  TOLOT/heuristic SHINONOME, 2-9-13, Shinonome, Koto-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Period  25 May – 1 Jun 2014
Organizing  TAKEO
Curation and art direction  Kenya Hara+Hara Design Institute NIPPON DESIGN CENTER
Exhibitor  Haruka Misawa, Torafu Architects, Ryuji Nakamura, Junya Ishigami, Jinah Ham, Yoshiaki Irobe, Bunpei Yorifuji, Yumiyo Miyata, Motohiro Tomii, Kazunari Hattori, Akira Minagawa, Atsushi Wada, Yoshihisa Tanaka, Kaoru Kasai, Kenya Hara
Size  W1500 D500 H12 mm
Material  Paper
Design  Ryuji Nakamura & Associates
Photography  Ryuji Nakamura




名称 コントロール
完成 2014年5月25日
用途 インスタレーション
場所 東京都江東区東雲2-9-13 TOLOT/heuristic SHINONOME
展覧会名 竹尾ペーパーショウ 2014 SUBTLE 東京展
会期 2014年5月25日~6月1日
主催 竹尾
企画構成 原研哉+日本デザインセンター 原デザイン研究所
出展者 三澤遥、トラフ建築設計事務所、中村竜治、石上純也、ハム・ナジ、色部義昭、寄藤文平、宮田裕美詠、冨井大裕、服部一成、皆川明、和田淳、田中義久、葛西薫、原研哉
寸法 W1500 D500 H12 mm
素材 紙
設計 中村竜治建築設計事務所
撮影 中村竜治

Ryuji Nakamura and Associates