Ryuji Nakamura and Associates | ||
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... rather than I designed This is the renovation of the house. The owner bought a second-hand house in search of a larger space than his house. It is the two-story reinforced concrete structure (insulated inside) and has the fine garden. The concrete skelton is formed by connecting two parallel elongated boxes in a corridor. A lot of Japanese style and Western style rooms were packed in it. The owner took them away and rebuilt only what was needed for his present life, with a reconsideration of their location. The garden was also planted with various trees, but all were removed, leaving only stones and fence. The building and garden were stripped of their original intentions, and ordinary materials, spaces and landscapes appeared in front of me with freshness. It is clear that this freshness is something that can not be obtained in new construction, and it is also the experience to realize certain limitations of the act of new construction and planning. Rather than I designed it, it may be close to the feeling that I happened to be there. Title House U |
設計というよりは・・・ 住宅の改装である。施主は今の家より広い空間を求め、中古の住宅を買った。鉄筋コンクリート造(内断熱)の2階建で、立派な庭もある。コンクリートの躯体は、平行に並ぶ2つの細長い箱を廊下で繋ぐ形をしている。その中に和風や洋風の部屋が沢山詰め込まれていた。施主はそれらを取り払い、今の生活に必要なものだけを位置の再考とともに再度設えた。庭も様々な木が植えられていたが、全て取り除かれ、石と塀だけが残された。建物と庭は建設当初の意図を剥ぎ取られ、なんでもない素材や空間や風景が新鮮さを持って私の前に立ち現れた。この新鮮さは、新築では得られないものであることは明らかであり、新築や計画という行為のある種の限界を実感する体験でもあった。私が設計したというよりは、たまたまその場に居合わせたという感覚に近いかもしれない。 名称 U邸 |
Ryuji Nakamura and Associates | ||