Ryuji Nakamura and Associates | ||
Eyewear shop located in the basin This Eyewear shop is located in the basin called Sakudaira, which is surrounded by high mountains in the eastern part of Nagano Prefecture. There are few tall buildings, so you can see beautiful mountains. There is a restaurant on the east side, a road on the west side, a DIY store parking lot on the south side, and a park on the north side. What is unique about this site is that there are no obstacles to the boundaries between them, and people can come and go from all directions, and some even pass through the site. These features immediately reminded me of a building with no front or back, like a large tree or an arbor standing alone in a park, and I thought that such a style would be suitable for the purpose of a shop. Taking into consideration the omnidirectional nature of the building and the fact that it is a cold region, we designed the planar shape to be close to a circle (more precisely, a slightly crushed 36xagonal shape), and arranged windows of the same shape evenly. Inside, the backyard is nested so that customers can walk around the window. Outside, you can freely walk around the building, and inside, there are no dead ends and you can enjoy a 360° view of the surrounding scenery. I hope that the shop will be like a tree or an arbor, where people come from various directions, spend time, and pass through. |
盆地に立つ眼鏡店 長野県東部の高い山々に囲まれた佐久平という盆地に建つ眼鏡屋さんです。高い建物も少ないため美しい山々が見渡せます。東側にレストラン、西側に道路、南側にホームセンターの駐車場、北側に公園があります。特徴的なのは、それらとの境界に障害はなく行き来が可能で、どの方向からも人がやって来て、通り抜けする人さえ出てくるということです。これらの特徴はすぐに公園にぽつんと立つ大きな樹や東屋のような表裏のない全方位的な建物を思い起こさせ、そのような在り方はお店という用途にも合っていると思いました。全方位的であることや寒冷地であることを考慮し、平面を円形に近い形(正確には少し潰れた36角形)にし、同形の窓を均等に配置しました。内部ではバックヤードを入子状にし、お客さんが窓際を一周できるようにしました。外部においては周囲を自由に歩き周ることができ、内部においては行き止まりがなく周囲の風景を360°眺めることができます。人が様々な方向からやって来て、過ごし、通り抜けていく、そんな樹や東屋のようなお店になればと思っています。 名称:JINS佐久平店
Ryuji Nakamura and Associates | ||