Ryuji Nakamura and Associates





This is the project of the collective housing in Nerima. It is the five-stories apartment and the owner will live on the top floor. In the center of the building there are the longitudinal lines such as the stairwell and elevator, and the 12 small rooms (about 2.8 m square) of the same size surround them. Each room has the window that the shape and size is the same. 1 household consists of 4 rooms and 1 floor consists of 3 households. The rooms are connected through the door and the same room appears when you open the door. The kitchen, bath, dining and bedroom are allocated to the four rooms. It is the apartment to enjoy the basic activities done everyday such as cooking, eating, excreting, bathing, and sleeping in the room with the window although it is not wide rather than enjoying relaxing in a large living room.

Title  Collective housing in Nerima
Year of design  2007
Use  Collective housing
Site  Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Site area  356 m2
Number of stories  5 stories
Structure  Reinforced concrete
Building area  138 m2
Total floor area  690 m2
Maximum height  14,000 mm
Number of households   3 houses
Direction  Shigeru Oshima (A Project of Misawa Home)
Design  Ryuji Nakamura and Associates



名称 練馬の集合住宅
設計年 2007年
用途 集合住宅
場所 東京都練馬区
敷地面積 356 m2
階数 地上5階
構造 鉄筋コンクリート造
建築面積 138 m2
延床面積 690 m2
最高高さ 14,000 mm
住戸数 13戸
企画 大島滋(ミサワホーム Aプロジェクト)
設計 中村竜治建築設計事務所

Ryuji Nakamura and Associates